March 15, 1999 - I was meeting a friend for lunch, I haven't seen her in about a year and a half, the last time I saw her she was morbidly overweight about 320 pounds. I walked right past her in the restaurant I was totally astonished when I saw her, she was gorgeous down to about 135 lbs.!!! I asked her what she did and she said that she had weight loss surgery. I had heard of it but, never really checked it out. She told me all about it and said that she did a lot of research before she even went to her doctor, she said she did have problems in the beginning with the operation(dumping, and a broken rib which was caused when they spread her rib cage)she told me she would do it again in a heartbeat.

 March 26, 1999 - I have been researching the weight loss surgery over the internet practically everyday since I saw my friend. We got together a couple days ago and she gave me some helpful pamphlets that her doctor gave her. I called my doctor and set up and appointment with her, for one to see if I am a good candidate and two I want to find out her opinion on the surgery and what kind of preparations I should have. I told my parents that I was researching about the surgery, they both thought it was kind of rash, said that maybe I just needed to try harder(diet and exercise)but, I explained to them that I have done that too many times and failed at it, my self-esteem is shot I don't think that I can fail again. They said they understood where I was coming from and that it was my decision and my body and they would support my decision all the way.